Ripe Banana Report 5/14 #

Ripe Banana Report 5/14

Approx 120 bananas bagged and taken for freezing.
Approx 50 bananas composted.

As of this morning, there were still 2 boxes of ripe bananas left over, looking dire. Many were beginning to mold.

Between 8am and 9am, each box was taken to 100 and bagged.

Two gloves and six ziplock bags from inventory were used.

Bagging proceeded as follows:

One empty box with a bottom was set up for storing peels and unsalvageable bananas.

Another box was placed at a small distance.

Ziplock bag was positioned in between.

Salvageable bananas were removed from one box, peeled, and the inside of the banana placed inside the ziplock bag.

The ziplock bag was filled to near-capacity, but allowing a little bit of space for bag flexibility, then sealed.

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SHA1 (Perl, Digest::SHA): 04a4b510067df59ce9b4d71652ec445238b3e259
Title: Ripe Banana Report 5/14

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