
Anonymous Incident Repor #
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Anonymous Incident Report

I entered [redacted] through the front door, which was open. My motivation was coffee.

By the windows, I startled a little one. Startled, she started running, and got caught in a snap trap, but only her leg.

I ran over... I paused for only a moment, to see if Joey posed me any threat. She was facing directly away from me, and seemed to want to keep going in that direction.

I assessed the mouse trap, and saw that I could probably open it without hurting myself, because I have played with mouse traps before and figured out how they work.

I reached for the mouse trap and released Joey's leg. Joey did not pause to say thanks, but ran away along the window. I don't blame her, because I would have done the same thing.

I did not re-set the trap, because that is not my job.

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