need to easily switch re #
#client; #cookie; #received

need to easily switch return to new item vs return to parent

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ItemAttributes #
attribute value
Checksum: Yes
SHA1 (chain.log): a58cb8e744850a391915813e470bd741f33c6cbd
Next: boxes: 27
Previous: fixed transactio
Sequence: 615
Notarized: 1671726801.43948
Client: BA1F475C1A1A77CE
Cookie: 5DDB0219F1220F82
File Time: 1671726801
File: /txt/a5/8c/a58cb8e744850a391915813e470bd741f33c6cbd.txt
1671726801; 168 bytes
File Size: 168
Type: txt
Received: 1664310524
SHA1 (Perl, Digest::SHA): a58cb8e744850a391915813e470bd741f33c6cbd
Title: need to easily switch return to new item vs return to parent

index_log #
indexing begins
file hash = a58cb8e744850a391915813e470bd741f33c6cbd
file stat: size = 168; mod time = 1671726801
found token: cookie, : , 5DDB0219F1220F82
found token: client, : , BA1F475C1A1A77CE
found token: received, : , 1664310524
found token: footer_separator, ,
finished finding tokens
tokens found: 4
token: cookie; spacer: : ; param = 5DDB0219F1220F82
found cookie: 5DDB0219F1220F82
token: client; spacer: : ; param = BA1F475C1A1A77CE
found client: 5DDB0219F1220F82 (overruled by signature)
token: received; spacer: : ; param = 1664310524
token: footer_separator; spacer: ; param =
item timestamp: 1671726801.43948
applying: cookie
valid: cookie
token found: cookie
applying: client
valid: client
token found: client
applying: received
valid: received
token found: received
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Printed: February 01 2025 03:58:58.

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