Count # Items on page: 6 2022-11-16 # file_hash item_title author_id cart 3b3139b8 Why buy organic bananas? +cart 85497313 Banana Cultivation Is Pesticide-Intensive +cart c875e64b In search of an ethical banana +cart efe9f265 Peeling Back the Truth on Bananas +cart 938195f3 The Deadly Side of Americas Banana Obsession +cart 2ecada55 #flag #flag #flag #flag # applied to 5 items +cart #flag #flag #flag #flag # #client; #cookie; #hashtag; #parent; #received >>d41defb4..>>e9a3f2ab..>>b9e1a057..>>f77f54a6..>>4fa385d3..#flag #hide -- [Received][Cookie][Client] Thu, 22 Dec 2022; ; 2ecada55; like ; +cart Why buy organic bananas? # #client; #cookie; #https; #received Why buy organic bananas?[https] -- [Received][Client][Cookie] Thu, 22 Dec 2022; ; 3b3139b8; like ; +cart Banana Cultivation Is Pe # #client; #cookie; #https; #received Banana Cultivation Is Pesticide-Intensive[https] -- [Cookie][Client][Received] Thu, 22 Dec 2022; ; 85497313; like ; +cart The Deadly Side of Ameri # #client; #cookie; #https; #received The Deadly Side of Americas Banana Obsession[https] -- [Cookie][Client][Received] Thu, 22 Dec 2022; ; 938195f3; like ; +cart In search of an ethical # #client; #cookie; #https; #received In search of an ethical banana[https] -- [Cookie][Received][Client] Thu, 22 Dec 2022; ; c875e64b; like ; +cart Peeling Back the Truth o # #client; #cookie; #https; #received Peeling Back the Truth on Bananas[https] -- [Client][Received][Cookie] Thu, 22 Dec 2022; ; efe9f265; like ; +cart query.sql # SELECT item_flat.file_path file_path, item_flat.item_name item_name, item_flat.file_hash file_hash, item_flat.author_key author_key, item_flat.child_count child_count, item_flat.parent_count parent_count, item_flat.add_timestamp add_timestamp, item_flat.item_title item_title, item_flat.item_score item_score, item_flat.labels_list labels_list, item_flat.item_type item_type, item_flat.item_order item_order, item_flat.item_sequence item_sequence FROM item_flat WHERE file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_flat WHERE item_score >= 0 AND ( SUBSTR(DATETIME(add_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), 0, 11) = '2022-11-16' OR file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute where attribute = 'date' AND value = '2022-11-16' ) ) ) AND ( file_hash NOT IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value <> '2022-11-16' ) OR file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value = '2022-11-16' ) ); Cart # * Paste Clear Add All ^ JavaScript # * Some features may require JavaScript Notice # This server is set to ASCII mode.Some characters may not be printed. Non-ASCII characters removed during page printing: 6
>>d41defb4..>>e9a3f2ab..>>b9e1a057..>>f77f54a6..>>4fa385d3..#flag #hide -- [Received][Cookie][Client]
Why buy organic bananas?[https] -- [Received][Client][Cookie]
Banana Cultivation Is Pesticide-Intensive[https] -- [Cookie][Client][Received]
The Deadly Side of Americas Banana Obsession[https] -- [Cookie][Client][Received]
In search of an ethical banana[https] -- [Cookie][Received][Client]
Peeling Back the Truth on Bananas[https] -- [Client][Received][Cookie]
SELECT item_flat.file_path file_path, item_flat.item_name item_name, item_flat.file_hash file_hash, item_flat.author_key author_key, item_flat.child_count child_count, item_flat.parent_count parent_count, item_flat.add_timestamp add_timestamp, item_flat.item_title item_title, item_flat.item_score item_score, item_flat.labels_list labels_list, item_flat.item_type item_type, item_flat.item_order item_order, item_flat.item_sequence item_sequence FROM item_flat WHERE file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_flat WHERE item_score >= 0 AND ( SUBSTR(DATETIME(add_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), 0, 11) = '2022-11-16' OR file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute where attribute = 'date' AND value = '2022-11-16' ) ) ) AND ( file_hash NOT IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value <> '2022-11-16' ) OR file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value = '2022-11-16' ) );