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Banana Lounge Unofficial Fan Forum

#like #
#1661998972; #client; #hashtag; #parent; #received

>>Welcome to Fall


; like ;
Software Updated to Vers #
#1661998972; #changelog; #hashtag

Software Updated to Version d945e3e8..

Installed software version has changed from 6af90c9e.. to d945e3e8..

d945e3e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9d83cbf dark/additional.css clean up
6037548 add 'clean' and 'build' aliases to shell when initializing
ea3521a make items wider in dark theme
22f0c8e add tag_link.template and make GetTagLink() use it
ad2f2ed add caption for client_id field
c396e3f add setting require_approve_tag_for_public_view
2a277b8 add url tagset
2640a6f add comment


; like ;
(A like is a type of rep #
#1661998972; #client; #parent; #received


(A like is a type of reply.)

; like ;
#like #
#1661998972; #client; #hashtag; #parent; #received



; like ;
Welcome to Fall 2022 Sem #
#1661998972; #like; #client; #received

Welcome to Fall 2022 Semester!

This is a thread I made so that the Threads page is not empty. :)

Anything with at least one reply is a thread.

; like(2) ;