How to clean the compost #

How to clean the compost bin

After it is picked up from the loading dock area, the compost bin may be dirty inside.

Here is an example of what it may look like: 27812C8E-EF86-48

Cleaning the compost bin is an easy and straightforward process, but must be performed carefully, so as to not get the operator's clothes dirty.

Here is how it can be done:

Step 1: Transport the compost bin to the janitor closet.

Step 2: Open the compost bin's lid all the way (flip it)

Step 3: Lift and tip the compost bin into/over the sink, so that any excess liquid pours out into the sink.

Step 4: Place the compost bin upright again.

Step 5: Test the faucet flow rate over the sink. Open the knob slowly, so that you do not get unexpected extra water pressure. Tune to a slow flow rate, which will not splash you when hitting random surfaces inside the bin.

Step 6: Close the faucet, and put the hose over the compost bin.

Step 7: Let the water flow slowly, and run it over the compost bin sides. Do this until about a gallon of water is at the bottom of the compost bin. Do not overfill the compost bin! Otherwise, you will not be able to lift it!

Step 8: Lift and tip, just like in step 3.

Repeat steps 4-8 until the compost bin looks/smells reasonably clean.

Step 9: Profit of one clean compost bin! Take it back into the lounge.

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Title: How to clean the compost bin

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