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Banana Lounge Unofficial Fan Forum

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Topics by Author #
item_title add_timestamp
Joel Moses
boxes: 27
boxes: 24.5
Imagine 15 is a prime number
Oct 15
How I see banana lounge is a place for social working.
Archive # (22 KB)

>_< #
#client; #cookie; #received


When fixing one off-by-one error causes another off-by-one error...

; ; like ;
I wish I had taken notes #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


I wish I had taken notes during those five minutes, because it was a lot of information from one speaker, and now I can only remember some of it.

; ; like ;
2) He collected comics t #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


2) He collected comics that touched upon the Moses story.

; ; like ;
1) He had a lot of good #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


1) He had a lot of good jokes to share.

; ; like ;
Yesterday, on my way to #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


Yesterday, on my way to a seminar on ethics in engineering, I came across a memorial for Joel Moses.

I hesitated about what to do, because the two activities overlapped, and there was no way to attend both.

I went to the memorial and stayed until exactly 5 after and then rushed over to the seminar.

Then, when there was a break in the seminar, I rushed over to the memorial and stayed there until the last possible moment before having to return from the break.

The seminar, fittingly, was about making difficult decisions.

In this thread I'll put what I remember learning about Joel Moses in the short time I was privileged to attend his memorial.

; ; like ;
Joel Moses #
#client; #cookie; #received

Joel Moses

; ; like ;
boxes: 27 #
#boxes; #client; #cookie; #received

boxes: 27
Box count at 1666752522

; ; like ;
Servicenow #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
Online form on MIT AV we #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


Online form on MIT AV website

Creates a ticket

; ; like ;
External: #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received




; ; like ;
#client; #cookie; #received



; ; like ;
website #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
in-person #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
Canvas #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
Slack #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
#client; #cookie; #received


; ; like ;
title: a mouse riding on #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received; #title


title: a mouse riding on a banana through space at warp speed (by crAIyon)

; ; like ;
#oct19 #oct19 #oct19 app #
#client; #cookie; #hashtag; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
#offtopic #
#client; #cookie; #hashtag; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
#2018 #2018 #2018 #2018 #
#client; #cookie; #hashtag; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
boxes: 24.5 #
#boxes; #client; #cookie; #received

boxes: 24.5
Box count at 1665968608

; ; like ;
#22Oct16 #22Oct16 #22Oct #
#client; #cookie; #hashtag; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
finish observing #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


finish observing

; ; like ;
two people came and went #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


two people came and went, did not like how the bananas looked?

; ; like ;
Imagine 15 is a prime nu #
#OutOfContext; #client; #cookie; #hashtag; #received


"Imagine 15 is a prime number"

; ; like ;
they leave simultaneousl #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


they leave simultaneously through the front door

; ; like ;
two people arrive from o #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


two people arrive from opposite directions, simultaneously. one takes 2 bananas, one takes about 8.

; ; like ;
takes about 3-4 bananas, #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


takes about 3-4 bananas, leaves

; ; like ;
reluctantly shoves a bag #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


reluctantly shoves a bag in a box out of place

; ; like ;
begins by observing bana #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


begins by observing banana state from a distance

; ; like ;
a person arrives, arms f #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


a person arrives, arms folded

; ; like ;
two people arrive togeth #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


two people arrive together and begin digging. they each take 1 banana and leave.

; ; like ;
within seconds, they too #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


within seconds, they took about 6 bananas in a bunch and left

; ; like ;
a couple arrives,, walki #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


a couple arrives,, walking quickly

; ; like ;
one more bunch for the r #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


one more bunch for the road, carried in hands. and they're out.

; ; like ;
someone who has been wor #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


someone who has been working at a table, got up and took a banana and went back to their table.

; ; like ;
second bunch has been ch #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


second bunch has been chosen from the middle box in the front aisle. second bunch goes into backpack, backpack goes onto back. person is preparing to leave.

; ; like ;
still looking. by now, i #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


still looking. by now, i estimate they've touched at least 50 bananas in 10 different boxes

; ; like ;
one bunch has been chose #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


one bunch has been chosen, looking for the second place bunch

; ; like ;
still looking. now begin #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


still looking. now begins to fill backpack.

; ; like ;
still digging through th #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


still digging through the boxes and bags

; ; like ;
i can't see back there, #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


i can't see back there, but i am hearing a lot of bag shuffling

; ; like ;
digging through the bags #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


digging through the bags again

; ; like ;
doing things on the phon #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


doing things on the phone while standing in between the banana aisles

; ; like ;
still looking #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


still looking

; ; like ;
<10 seconds, i would #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


<10 seconds, i would say

; ; like ;
still looking, in the ba #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


still looking, in the back

; ; like ;
they did not take any #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


they did not take any

; ; like ;
person arrived, took one #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


person arrived, took one bag and about 3-5 bananas

; ; like ;
other person is holding #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


other person is holding a fall leaf

; ; like ;
2 people just arrived, o #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


2 people just arrived, onl 1 is looking through bananas

; ; like ;
person just arrived 30se #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


person just arrived 30sec ago, looking through bananas

; ; like ;
begin observing #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


begin observing

; ; like ;
Oct 15 #
#client; #cookie; #received

Oct 15

; ; like ;
#offtopic #
#client; #cookie; #hashtag; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
#like #
#client; #cookie; #hashtag; #parent; #received



; ; like ;
something wrong with how #
#client; #cookie; #hashtag; #parent; #received


#flag something wrong with how this was submitted


; ; like ;
I'm here to see you work #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


I'm here to see you working on your laptop in the corner of my eye while I work on my laptop. We are working on something completely different, together. We are not obligated to acknowledge anything else in any way to anyone.

; ; like ;
This is why I avoid havi #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


This is why I avoid having lengthy phone calls here

; ; like ;
How I see banana lounge #
#PersonalOpinion; #client; #cookie; #hashtag; #received


How I see banana lounge is a place for social working.

I come here to be around people who are also working on their thing (or resting from work and preparing to work more)

; ; like ;
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