Software Updated to Vers #
#changelog; #hashtag

Software Updated to Version 762699e8..

Installed software version has changed from dfa9c0fa.. to 762699e8..

762699e8 add cart column to authors query ; authors.sql
6e37d06c make avatar_display_approved_status default to 0
db8066e3 add/improve debug output in
5e696c36 allow underscore in module path
0d3b6451 add sanity check for module in
bdffa063 add text color to banana theme
34c7b2e8 clean up (remove commented out code)
d0a22398 add sanity checks for directory paths in


; b8b1f7f4; like ; +cart
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ItemAttributes #
attribute value
Checksum: Yes
SHA1 (chain.log): b8b1f7f440df4b2ab3a75d7e1dd196fccf91c7ad
Next: e36fe749..
Previous: ff0e75c1..
Sequence: 1071
Notarized: 1741152264.71257
File Time: 1741152264
File: /txt/b8/b1/b8b1f7f440df4b2ab3a75d7e1dd196fccf91c7ad.txt
1741152264; 595 bytes
File Size: 595
HashTag: changelog
Type: txt
SHA1 (Perl, Digest::SHA): b8b1f7f440df4b2ab3a75d7e1dd196fccf91c7ad
Title: Software Updated to Version 762699e8..

index_log #
indexing begins
file hash = b8b1f7f440df4b2ab3a75d7e1dd196fccf91c7ad
file stat: size = 595; mod time = 1741152264
found token: hashtag, , changelog
finished finding tokens
tokens found: 1
token: hashtag; spacer: ; param = changelog
item timestamp: 1741152264.71257
applying: hashtag
valid: hashtag
token found: hashtag
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