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ilyag #

This page is about a person named ilyag.

RecentActivity #
file_hash item_title add_timestamp author_id author_key cart
1249bcb5 Public Key for ilyag ilyag 8E3C810099295332 +cart
ApprovedKeys #
file_hash item_title add_timestamp tagset_pubkey
1249bcb5 Public Key for ilyag person; approve(1); vouch
ApprovedKeys.sql #

				'' AS tagset_pubkey
			FROM item_flat
				(labels_list LIKE '%,pubkey,%' OR labels_list LIKE '%,my_name_is,%') AND
				labels_list LIKE '%,approve,%' AND
				file_hash IN (
					SELECT file_hash
					FROM item_flat
					WHERE author_key IN(
						SELECT author_key
						FROM author_flat
						WHERE author_alias = 'ilyag'

PendingKeys #
file_hash add_timestamp author_id author_key tagset_pending cart
16ff4eed ilyag 7A3F8F553BDB9E0E approve; flag +cart
94b6059f ilyag 4E301AC1CF9020C7 approve; flag +cart
9c90ca04 ilyag CCC52A7467A88A7F approve; flag +cart
b0d76a5a ilyag 5FBB8DAE3AA786AE approve; flag +cart
b4451da0 ilyag 2F2861BC9AB887DC approve; flag +cart
e4c345ac ilyag BFBB60D58D56F543 approve; flag +cart
e51b4203 ilyag 81A5E89BEDBC89CC approve; flag +cart
f3192aaf ilyag 1D622C1B8292954B approve; flag +cart
f346261c ilyag 40E4DF118C2D943A approve; flag +cart
fdef981e ilyag 0DE17A1AB5ED3335 approve; flag +cart
PrintedInfo #

Q: When was this page printed?
Printed: March 03 2025 11:53:00.

Q: How old was the page when downloaded?
Age: Fresh!
pollyanna: dfa9c0f

Q: How can I get a fresher copy?
A: Ask the server to

JavaScript #
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