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Banana Lounge Unofficial Fan Forum

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Items on page: 6
2022-10-15 #
file_hash item_title author_id cart
f874b983 I'm here to see you working on your laptop in the corner of my +cart
902a8b2c How I see banana lounge is a place for social working. +cart
f2c60538 oh, there's compost, hooray!&addtext=send now&timestamp=16658 Guest +cart
e8bb3691 This is why I avoid having lengthy phone calls here +cart
31daa89c oh, there's compost, hooray! +cart
ab3c4622 I think I may have overstated the extensiveness of this. +cart
oh, there's compost, hoo #
#client; #cookie; #received

"oh, there's compost, hooray!"

; ; 31daa89c; like ; +cart
How I see banana lounge #
#PersonalOpinion; #client; #cookie; #hashtag; #received


How I see banana lounge is a place for social working.

I come here to be around people who are also working on their thing (or resting from work and preparing to work more)

; ; 902a8b2c; like ; +cart
I think I may have overs #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


I think I may have overstated the extensiveness of this.

I've seen two people do this on one separate occasion each.

; ; ab3c4622; like ; +cart
This is why I avoid havi #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


This is why I avoid having lengthy phone calls here

; ; e8bb3691; like ; +cart
oh, there's compost, hoo #
#client; #received

"oh, there's compost, hooray!"&addtext=send now&timestamp=1665850545&origin=/write.html

; f2c60538; like ; +cart
I'm here to see you work #
#client; #cookie; #parent; #received


I'm here to see you working on your laptop in the corner of my eye while I work on my laptop. We are working on something completely different, together. We are not obligated to acknowledge anything else in any way to anyone.

; ; f874b983; like ; +cart
query.sql #

			item_flat.file_path file_path,
			item_flat.item_name item_name,
			item_flat.file_hash file_hash,
			item_flat.author_key author_key,
			item_flat.child_count child_count,
			item_flat.parent_count parent_count,
			item_flat.add_timestamp add_timestamp,
			item_flat.item_title item_title,
			item_flat.item_score item_score,
			item_flat.labels_list labels_list,
			item_flat.item_type item_type,
			item_flat.item_order item_order,
			item_flat.item_sequence item_sequence
			file_hash IN (
				SELECT file_hash
				FROM item_flat
					item_score >= 0 AND
						SUBSTR(DATETIME(add_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), 0, 11) = '2022-10-15'
						file_hash IN (
							SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute where attribute = 'date' AND value = '2022-10-15'
				AND (
					file_hash NOT IN (
						SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value <> '2022-10-15'
					file_hash IN (
						SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value = '2022-10-15'

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